Карпова Т.А., Демиданова Е.А. Modern fashion in Russia and the USA
Королева А.А., Борисова М.В. Education in the USA and Russia
Краснова К.В., Ибраимов А.С. Holidays in Russia and the USA
Крякова Ю.С., Агафонова З.И. Latin abbreviations
Парфенова Л.П. Difficulties in translating movie titles
Самойлова Е.С., Рабазова В.В. Changing gender roles in the modern society of Russia and the USA
Хохлова П.П., Безрукова М.А. Runglish: mixing the languages
Шамова А.С, Шемякина А.А. Environmental problems in Russia and the USA.