Аверина Е.С. Machine learning method - decision trees
Буров А.М. The MathMax Application as a Way of Computerizing Production Processes
Глазунов Д.Д. Fractals
Кочанова А.М. Smart home technology
Михеева С.А Luftverunreinigung in Europa
Прахов А.М. Semiconductor devices. Their types and uses
Семенов И.А. Algorithmic minimization of requirements for computing resources of technical systems of intelligent information processing in the field of 3d modeling
Холодов И.Ю. Linear and nonlinear analog computing circuits
Всероссийские научныеЗворыкинские чтения - XIII
ISSN 2220-8763 (CD-ROM)ISSN 2222-2979 (Online)