XIV Всероссийская межвузовская
научная конференция

Муромский институт
29 апреля 2022 г.

Блохин А.В. Dubbing in Russia and England

Волкова О.И. Pecularities of the origin Russian and English surnames

Гормакова А.А. Apartments in the UK and Russia

Душин Д.С. Differences in English and Russian cookeries

Есефьева А.А. Differences between folk music of Russia and Britain.

Ключникова С.Д., Лашманов Д.И. Comparison of British and Russian humor

Ковальчук И.Г., Манькова Д.Р. British and Russian traditions and holidays

Кузина С.В. Differences in higher education between Russia and the USA

Кукушкина М.А. English and Russian poetry of the early 20th century

Манеров Д.В. History of British and Russian fashion

Мошкович Д.П. Ecotourism as a dialogue between the cultures of England and Russia

Мурадян К.Г. General differences between English and Russian

Пантеева Е.Д. Portmanteau words in the UK and Russia

Середенина Е.П. Linguistic Features of Fairy Tales

Хачатрян Л.Г. Animals in Russian and English proverbs and sayings

Всероссийские научные
Зворыкинские чтения - XIV

ISSN 2220-8763 (CD-ROM)
ISSN 2222-2979 (Online)