XIV Всероссийская межвузовская
научная конференция

Муромский институт
29 апреля 2022 г.

Волкова О.И., Пантеева Е.Д. Phonetic Peculiarities of the English Language in India

Гормакова А.А., Хачатрян Л.Г. Phonetic Features of New Zealand English

Демиданова Е.А. The Particularity of Journalistic Media Texts

Ибраимов А.С. Linguistic Features of Geographical Idioms in the English and Russian Languages

Кометиани А.В. The Usage of Anthroponymic Phraseological Units in Teaching a Foreign Language in a Secondary School

Краснова К.В. Linguistic Peculiarities of Songs

Кузина С.В., Кукушкина М.А. The Distinctive Features of Canadian English

Пантелеева Д.А. Genre Features of Mark Twain's Works

Подставнягина О.М. Linguistic Peculiarities of English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings about Studying

Рымарь А.И. Linguistic Features of Fiction Prose for Children

Яцун А.С. Comparative Analysis of Phraseological Units with Zoonymic Components of the Russian and English Languages

Всероссийские научные
Зворыкинские чтения - XIV

ISSN 2220-8763 (CD-ROM)
ISSN 2222-2979 (Online)